Title: Poverty In Baltimore
“25% of people in Baltimore live in poverty. If we work together, we can end poverty in Baltimore. To do this, we need the help of various institutions. To begin to help the problem of people who live in poverty, my community needs the participation of recreation centers, homeless shelters, and the government.” - Anthony, Charlotte, Tom (Period 1) |
Title: “How to stop sexual abuse?”
“Every two minutes, someone is sexually assaulted in the United States. Between 2006 and 2012, sexual abuse has increased by 44%, almost double. Also 48% of women that have been assaulted will be victims of sexual abuse again. To start to solve the problem of sexual abuse, our community needs better schools, police and women’s centers.” “Don’t violate, appreciate!” - Trenae, Taaj, Leah (Period 1) |
Title: “Problems in our community: How to stop the growth of crime?”
“In the United States, the city of Baltimore is number five for the number of homicides. Every day, many people suffer because there are many crimes. There are property crimes, robbery, assaults and drug related crimes in our community. To begin to solve the problem of crime, my community needs more hospitals, police and better education.” - Jessica, Carly, Deairra (Period 11) |
Title: “Health In Baltimore City”
"How Health Affects Our Lives” “If there is one thing that everyone in the world should have, it is good health. Unfortunately, 44% of Americans have a chronic condition, like heart disease and cancer. This percentage is increasing by 2.2% every five years. To start to solve the problem of bad health, our community needs more health departments, supermarkets, and more repaired houses (less vacant houses)." - Jaylen, Dennis, Yoav (Period 11) |
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